<?php /** * Zend Framework * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Service_Amazon * @subpackage Ec2 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License * @version $Id: Ebs.php 24593 2012-01-05 20:35:02Z matthew $ */ /** * @see Zend_Service_Amazon_Ec2_Abstract */ require_once 'Zend/Service/Amazon/Ec2/Abstract.php'; /** * An Amazon EC2 interface to create, describe, attach, detach and delete Elastic Block * Storage Volumes and Snaphsots. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Service_Amazon * @subpackage Ec2 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License */ class Zend_Service_Amazon_Ec2_Ebs extends Zend_Service_Amazon_Ec2_Abstract { /** * Creates a new Amazon EBS volume that you can mount from any Amazon EC2 instance. * * You must specify an availability zone when creating a volume. The volume and * any instance to which it attaches must be in the same availability zone. * * @param string $size The size of the volume, in GiB. * @param string $availabilityZone The availability zone in which to create the new volume. * @return array */ public function createNewVolume($size, $availabilityZone) { $params = array(); $params['Action'] = 'CreateVolume'; $params['AvailabilityZone'] = $availabilityZone; $params['Size'] = $size; $response = $this->sendRequest($params); $xpath = $response->getXPath(); $return = array(); $return['volumeId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:volumeId/text())'); $return['size'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:size/text())'); $return['status'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:status/text())'); $return['createTime'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:createTime/text())'); $return['availabilityZone'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:availabilityZone/text())'); return $return; } /** * Creates a new Amazon EBS volume that you can mount from any Amazon EC2 instance. * * You must specify an availability zone when creating a volume. The volume and * any instance to which it attaches must be in the same availability zone. * * @param string $snapshotId The snapshot from which to create the new volume. * @param string $availabilityZone The availability zone in which to create the new volume. * @return array */ public function createVolumeFromSnapshot($snapshotId, $availabilityZone) { $params = array(); $params['Action'] = 'CreateVolume'; $params['AvailabilityZone'] = $availabilityZone; $params['SnapshotId'] = $snapshotId; $response = $this->sendRequest($params); $xpath = $response->getXPath(); $return = array(); $return['volumeId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:volumeId/text())'); $return['size'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:size/text())'); $return['status'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:status/text())'); $return['createTime'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:createTime/text())'); $return['availabilityZone'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:availabilityZone/text())'); $return['snapshotId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:snapshotId/text())'); return $return; } /** * Lists one or more Amazon EBS volumes that you own, If you do not * specify any volumes, Amazon EBS returns all volumes that you own. * * @param string|array $volumeId The ID or array of ID's of the volume(s) to list * @return array */ public function describeVolume($volumeId = null) { $params = array(); $params['Action'] = 'DescribeVolumes'; if(is_array($volumeId) && !empty($volumeId)) { foreach($volumeId as $k=>$name) { $params['VolumeId.' . ($k+1)] = $name; } } elseif($volumeId) { $params['VolumeId.1'] = $volumeId; } $response = $this->sendRequest($params); $xpath = $response->getXPath(); $nodes = $xpath->query('//ec2:volumeSet/ec2:item', $response->getDocument()); $return = array(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $item = array(); $item['volumeId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:volumeId/text())', $node); $item['size'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:size/text())', $node); $item['status'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:status/text())', $node); $item['createTime'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:createTime/text())', $node); $attachmentSet = $xpath->query('ec2:attachmentSet/ec2:item', $node); if($attachmentSet->length == 1) { $_as = $attachmentSet->item(0); $as = array(); $as['volumeId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:volumeId/text())', $_as); $as['instanceId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:instanceId/text())', $_as); $as['device'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:device/text())', $_as); $as['status'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:status/text())', $_as); $as['attachTime'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:attachTime/text())', $_as); $item['attachmentSet'] = $as; } $return[] = $item; unset($item, $node); } return $return; } public function describeAttachedVolumes($instanceId) { $volumes = $this->describeVolume(); $return = array(); foreach($volumes as $vol) { if(isset($vol['attachmentSet']) && $vol['attachmentSet']['instanceId'] == $instanceId) { $return[] = $vol; } } return $return; } /** * Attaches an Amazon EBS volume to an instance * * @param string $volumeId The ID of the Amazon EBS volume * @param string $instanceId The ID of the instance to which the volume attaches * @param string $device Specifies how the device is exposed to the instance (e.g., /dev/sdh). * @return array */ public function attachVolume($volumeId, $instanceId, $device) { $params = array(); $params['Action'] = 'AttachVolume'; $params['VolumeId'] = $volumeId; $params['InstanceId'] = $instanceId; $params['Device'] = $device; $response = $this->sendRequest($params); $xpath = $response->getXPath(); $return = array(); $return['volumeId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:volumeId/text())'); $return['instanceId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:instanceId/text())'); $return['device'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:device/text())'); $return['status'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:status/text())'); $return['attachTime'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:attachTime/text())'); return $return; } /** * Detaches an Amazon EBS volume from an instance * * @param string $volumeId The ID of the Amazon EBS volume * @param string $instanceId The ID of the instance from which the volume will detach * @param string $device The device name * @param boolean $force Forces detachment if the previous detachment attempt did not occur cleanly * (logging into an instance, unmounting the volume, and detaching normally). * This option can lead to data loss or a corrupted file system. Use this option * only as a last resort to detach an instance from a failed instance. The * instance will not have an opportunity to flush file system caches nor * file system meta data. * @return array */ public function detachVolume($volumeId, $instanceId = null, $device = null, $force = false) { $params = array(); $params['Action'] = 'DetachVolume'; $params['VolumeId'] = $volumeId; $params['InstanceId'] = strval($instanceId); $params['Device'] = strval($device); $params['Force'] = strval($force); $response = $this->sendRequest($params); $xpath = $response->getXPath(); $return = array(); $return['volumeId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:volumeId/text())'); $return['instanceId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:instanceId/text())'); $return['device'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:device/text())'); $return['status'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:status/text())'); $return['attachTime'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:attachTime/text())'); return $return; } /** * Deletes an Amazon EBS volume * * @param string $volumeId The ID of the volume to delete * @return boolean */ public function deleteVolume($volumeId) { $params = array(); $params['Action'] = 'DeleteVolume'; $params['VolumeId'] = $volumeId; $response = $this->sendRequest($params); $xpath = $response->getXPath(); $return = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:return/text())'); return ($return === "true"); } /** * Creates a snapshot of an Amazon EBS volume and stores it in Amazon S3. You can use snapshots for backups, * to launch instances from identical snapshots, and to save data before shutting down an instance * * @param string $volumeId The ID of the Amazon EBS volume to snapshot * @return array */ public function createSnapshot($volumeId) { $params = array(); $params['Action'] = 'CreateSnapshot'; $params['VolumeId'] = $volumeId; $response = $this->sendRequest($params); $xpath = $response->getXPath(); $return = array(); $return['snapshotId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:snapshotId/text())'); $return['volumeId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:volumeId/text())'); $return['status'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:status/text())'); $return['startTime'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:startTime/text())'); $return['progress'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:progress/text())'); return $return; } /** * Describes the status of Amazon EBS snapshots * * @param string|array $snapshotId The ID or arry of ID's of the Amazon EBS snapshot * @return array */ public function describeSnapshot($snapshotId = null) { $params = array(); $params['Action'] = 'DescribeSnapshots'; if(is_array($snapshotId) && !empty($snapshotId)) { foreach($snapshotId as $k=>$name) { $params['SnapshotId.' . ($k+1)] = $name; } } elseif($snapshotId) { $params['SnapshotId.1'] = $snapshotId; } $response = $this->sendRequest($params); $xpath = $response->getXPath(); $nodes = $xpath->query('//ec2:snapshotSet/ec2:item', $response->getDocument()); $return = array(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $item = array(); $item['snapshotId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:snapshotId/text())', $node); $item['volumeId'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:volumeId/text())', $node); $item['status'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:status/text())', $node); $item['startTime'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:startTime/text())', $node); $item['progress'] = $xpath->evaluate('string(ec2:progress/text())', $node); $return[] = $item; unset($item, $node); } return $return; } /** * Deletes a snapshot of an Amazon EBS volume that is stored in Amazon S3 * * @param string $snapshotId The ID of the Amazon EBS snapshot to delete * @return boolean */ public function deleteSnapshot($snapshotId) { $params = array(); $params['Action'] = 'DeleteSnapshot'; $params['SnapshotId'] = $snapshotId; $response = $this->sendRequest($params); $xpath = $response->getXPath(); $return = $xpath->evaluate('string(//ec2:return/text())'); return ($return === "true"); } }