<?php /** * Zend Framework * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Mobile * @subpackage Zend_Mobile_Push * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License * @version $Id$ */ /** Zend_Mobile_Push_Abstract **/ require_once 'Zend/Mobile/Push/Abstract.php'; /** Zend_Mobile_Push_Message_Apns **/ require_once 'Zend/Mobile/Push/Message/Apns.php'; /** * APNS Push * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Mobile * @subpackage Zend_Mobile_Push * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License * @version $Id$ */ class Zend_Mobile_Push_Apns extends Zend_Mobile_Push_Abstract { /** * @const int apple server uri constants */ const SERVER_SANDBOX_URI = 0; const SERVER_PRODUCTION_URI = 1; const SERVER_FEEDBACK_SANDBOX_URI = 2; const SERVER_FEEDBACK_PRODUCTION_URI = 3; /** * Apple Server URI's * * @var array */ protected $_serverUriList = array( 'ssl://gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195', 'ssl://gateway.push.apple.com:2195', 'ssl://feedback.sandbox.push.apple.com:2196', 'ssl://feedback.push.apple.com:2196' ); /** * Current Environment * * @var int */ protected $_currentEnv; /** * Socket * * @var resource */ protected $_socket; /** * Certificate * * @var string */ protected $_certificate; /** * Certificate Passphrase * * @var string */ protected $_certificatePassphrase; /** * Get Certficiate * * @return string */ public function getCertificate() { return $this->_certificate; } /** * Set Certificate * * @param string $cert * @return Zend_Mobile_Push_Apns * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception */ public function setCertificate($cert) { if (!is_string($cert)) { throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception('$cert must be a string'); } if (!file_exists($cert)) { throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception('$cert must be a valid path to the certificate'); } $this->_certificate = $cert; return $this; } /** * Get Certificate Passphrase * * @return string */ public function getCertificatePassphrase() { return $this->_certificatePassphrase; } /** * Set Certificate Passphrase * * @param string $passphrase * @return Zend_Mobile_Push_Apns * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception */ public function setCertificatePassphrase($passphrase) { if (!is_string($passphrase)) { throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception('$passphrase must be a string'); } $this->_certificatePassphrase = $passphrase; return $this; } /** * Connect to Socket * * @param string $uri * @return bool * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_ServerUnavailable */ protected function _connect($uri) { $ssl = array( 'local_cert' => $this->_certificate, ); if ($this->_certificatePassphrase) { $ssl['passphrase'] = $this->_certificatePassphrase; } $this->_socket = stream_socket_client($uri, $errno, $errstr, ini_get('default_socket_timeout'), STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, stream_context_create(array( 'ssl' => $ssl, )) ); if (!is_resource($this->_socket)) { require_once 'Zend/Mobile/Push/Exception/ServerUnavailable.php'; throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_ServerUnavailable(sprintf('Unable to connect: %s: %d (%s)', $uri, $errno, $errstr )); } stream_set_blocking($this->_socket, 0); stream_set_write_buffer($this->_socket, 0); return true; } /** * Read from the Socket Server * * @param int $length * @return string */ protected function _read($length) { $data = false; if (!feof($this->_socket)) { $data = fread($this->_socket, $length); } return $data; } /** * Write to the Socket Server * * @param string $payload * @return int */ protected function _write($payload) { return @fwrite($this->_socket, $payload); } /** * Connect to the Push Server * * @param string $env * @return Zend_Mobile_Push_Abstract * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_ServerUnavailable */ public function connect($env = self::SERVER_PRODUCTION_URI) { if ($this->_isConnected) { if ($this->_currentEnv == self::SERVER_PRODUCTION_URI) { return $this; } $this->close(); } if (!isset($this->_serverUriList[$env])) { throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception('$env is not a valid environment'); } if (!$this->_certificate) { throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception('A certificate must be set prior to calling ::connect'); } $this->_connect($this->_serverUriList[$env]); $this->_currentEnv = $env; $this->_isConnected = true; return $this; } /** * Feedback * * @return array array w/ key = token and value = time * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_ServerUnavailable */ public function feedback() { if (!$this->_isConnected || !in_array($this->_currentEnv, array(self::SERVER_FEEDBACK_SANDBOX_URI, self::SERVER_FEEDBACK_PRODUCTION_URI))) { $this->connect(self::SERVER_FEEDBACK_PRODUCTION_URI); } $tokens = array(); while ($token = $this->_read(38)) { if (strlen($token) < 38) { continue; } $token = unpack('Ntime/ntokenLength/H*token', $token); if (!isset($tokens[$token['token']]) || $tokens[$token['token']] < $token['time']) { $tokens[$token['token']] = $token['time']; } } return $tokens; } /** * Send Message * * @param Zend_Mobile_Push_Message_Apns $message * @return boolean * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_ServerUnavailable * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_InvalidToken * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_InvalidTopic * @throws Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_InvalidPayload */ public function send(Zend_Mobile_Push_Message_Abstract $message) { if (!$message->validate()) { throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception('The message is not valid.'); } if (!$this->_isConnected || !in_array($this->_currentEnv, array( self::SERVER_SANDBOX_URI, self::SERVER_PRODUCTION_URI))) { $this->connect(self::SERVER_PRODUCTION_URI); } $payload = array('aps' => array()); $alert = $message->getAlert(); foreach ($alert as $k => $v) { if ($v == null) { unset($alert[$k]); } } if (!empty($alert)) { $payload['aps']['alert'] = $alert; } if (!is_null($message->getBadge())) { $payload['aps']['badge'] = $message->getBadge(); } $payload['aps']['sound'] = $message->getSound(); foreach($message->getCustomData() as $k => $v) { $payload[$k] = $v; } $payload = json_encode($payload); $expire = $message->getExpire(); if ($expire > 0) { $expire += time(); } $id = $message->getId(); if (empty($id)) { $id = time(); } $payload = pack('CNNnH*', 1, $id, $expire, 32, $message->getToken()) . pack('n', strlen($payload)) . $payload; $ret = $this->_write($payload); if ($ret === false) { require_once 'Zend/Mobile/Push/Exception/ServerUnavailable.php'; throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_ServerUnavailable('Unable to send message'); } // check for errors from apple $err = $this->_read(1024); if (strlen($err) > 0) { $err = unpack('Ccmd/Cerrno/Nid', $err); switch ($err['errno']) { case 0: return true; break; case 1: throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception('A processing error has occurred on the apple push notification server.'); break; case 2: require_once 'Zend/Mobile/Push/Exception/InvalidToken.php'; throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_InvalidToken('Missing token; you must set a token for the message.'); break; case 3: require_once 'Zend/Mobile/Push/Exception/InvalidTopic.php'; throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_InvalidTopic('Missing id; you must set an id for the message.'); break; case 4: require_once 'Zend/Mobile/Push/Exception/InvalidPayload.php'; throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_InvalidPayload('Missing message; the message must always have some content.'); break; case 5: require_once 'Zend/Mobile/Push/Exception/InvalidToken.php'; throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_InvalidToken('Bad token. This token is too big and is not a regular apns token.'); break; case 6: require_once 'Zend/Mobile/Push/Exception/InvalidTopic.php'; throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_InvalidTopic('The message id is too big; reduce the size of the id.'); break; case 7: require_once 'Zend/Mobile/Push/Exception/InvalidPayload.php'; throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_InvalidPayload('The message is too big; reduce the size of the message.'); break; case 8: require_once 'Zend/Mobile/Push/Exception/InvalidToken.php'; throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception_InvalidToken('Bad token. Remove this token from being sent to again.'); break; default: throw new Zend_Mobile_Push_Exception(sprintf('An unknown error occurred: %d', $err['errno'])); break; } } return true; } /** * Close Connection * * @return void */ public function close() { if ($this->_isConnected && is_resource($this->_socket)) { fclose($this->_socket); } $this->_isConnected = false; } }